If you’ve seen Midland Brick’s ads, read some of their other blog articles or visited them in store, you’ll know that they talk a lot about how a brick isn’t just a brick. It’s true – there is so much more to bricks than what meets the eye! To help explain the intricacies of bricks (and why they’re still the most popular building material in WA), we’ve answered some key questions below.
What are the benefits of building with bricks?
Building with brick has many advantages, like strength and durability, but one huge benefit is the environmental reward. Take, for example, your energy consumption. Artificial heating and cooling is a major household cost and source of greenhouse emissions, so it makes sense to reduce this energy use by building with high thermal mass materials such as brick.
Recent research by Think Brick Australia and the University of Newcastle found clay brick construction was a more energy efficient and sustainable walling solution when compared to other forms of construction. The study found that when coupled with good solar passive design, building with bricks reduced internal temperature fluctuations to ensure comfortable living conditions year-round. Put simply, bricks gradually absorb heat to keep buildings cool in summer, while in winter, they hold the home’s heat longer, keeping those inside warm.
The heavy mass of clay bricks is also ideal for acoustic insulation, particularly for low frequency noise, and cavity masonry walls have the added benefit of isolating impact sounds. Clay bricks also perform very well in diminishing low-frequency, airborne noise caused by building mechanical systems, elevators, amplified music, traffic and aircraft; something lightweight materials struggle with, without additional (and expensive) insulation.
What are face bricks and internal bricks?
A face brick is a brick that will be seen once laid, either on the outside of your home or as an interior feature wall. Face bricks come in a range of sizes, colours, textures and finishes, all with a unique look. Internal bricks, on the other hand, are simply structural bricks that won’t be seen once the home is finished and the plastering is completed. They are used for interior walls, and can also been used on the outside of a home if it is to be covered in render, cladding or another material.
What are some of the latest innovations in bricks?
The Downpipe Maxi has been developed by Midland Brick and Brian Burke Homes. The Downpipe Maxi enables standard downpipes to be concealed – simply and economically – within the brick cavity.
With wider coring for easy modification, the Downpipe Maxi encapsulates downpipes without the added hassle of cutting and altering on site. The use and benefit extends to other structural systems such as chasing and building around steel pillars.
After spending so much time, effort and money on your dream home, it would be a shame to have downpipes impacting your elevations! The Downpipe Maxi is another great example of joint innovation between forward thinking suppliers and builders.
You can learn more about the different types of bricks we use on our Behind the Scenes tours, click here for more.
Front elevation of a Refined Edge home with no visible downpipes.
Unsightly downpipes used by others builders.
Article adapted with permission by Midland Brick.